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Folks online sell these Home Depot coupons that

In total, you get a discount of $800. All and all this neat trick will save you up to Custom Light Box letter Signs suppliers 30% on all your building and rehab supplies! That gets you 20% of your first $2,000 and 20% of your next $2,000. It's inevitable. You spend $50 on the 20% Off Coupons. Say you need to buy in supplies for a rehab project. You'll want to do this before you ever even go to the actual store. As a real estate investor whether you are looking to buy and rent properties, flip them, buy and hold or whatever you want to do, you are going to spend your fair share of time and money at Home Depot or Lowes. First, go to Ebay.

Folks online sell these Home Depot coupons that get you 20% off your entire next purchase. Staying on Ebay, type in the term Home Depot gift card.Now, if you're like me you probably buy your fair share of building supplies and rehab materials from a Home Depot or Lowes. What if there was a way to save $100's and $1,000's on every big purchase? Well there is, and I am going to show you exactly how. And if you really want to stretch your investing dollar even further, you can open a new credit card with either of these stores and usually get 0% interest for the first 12 months! Combine all these strategies together and you've got a killer technique to pull off a rehab-flip on almost any property with some big big savings. (A net savings of $750 after you pay the $25 for each card) But why stop there??? Here's what you'll do next. What you'll find is folks selling gift cards online at a reduced price, usually only 90% of face value.) Check this out.

You'll want to check with your local store to confirm they recognize these coupons as sometimes they can be specific to a certain state or region. Best of all it's completely legit and ethical. FINAL TIP: Again, after you confirm your local store accepts these terrific little coupons you're all set to start saving $1,000's every time you shop at Home Depot or Lowes. Here's what you're going to find. (Like everything you'll find on my investor web site, of course. You see, I discovered this fantastic little trick that will save you $1,000's. After the first step we are buying $4,000 in supplies for $3,200. Really hope you find these dollar saving tricks helpful.

So a card typically sells for $450. That is an extra 10% savings! It may not sound like a ton but watch what happens when you combine this with strategy number one. Here is step one. So on a $1,000 purchase you save $200! They are good for up to a $2,000 purchase and they sell for only just $25. It takes only five minutes and you can even do it in your pajamas (you know I love doing work in my pajamas whenever possible). No, you're not going to buy $4,000 of aluminum siding in an online auction (although it is possible!) Instead - type in the search term "home depot coupon".) So since we are looking to purchase $4,000 in supplies we will need to be TWO of these coupons. Now we buy $3,200 in gift cards at 90% of face value and save another $320! All together on your $4,000 order you've now saved $1,070! And with little or no work at all! You can buy these little gift cards and coupons online